Culbin Model Club

Steam up gathering Flying evening

Programme for 2016-2017 season

Date Subject Speaker/organiser Venue
November 12/13th EMRC Model Fair EMRC Elgin Town Hall
November 15th Bring and Buy Ian Hampson James Milne Institute, Findhorn
February 20th Helicopters & how they fly Les Grosvenor James Milne Institute, Findhorn
March 21st Bar Meal John Tweddle Mosset Tavern, Forres
March 25/26th MMRG Spring Exhibition MMRG Elgin Town Hall
April 18th FILM-Cleveland Iron Stone working Les Grosvenor James Milne Institute, Findhorn
April 30th Forres Theme Day John Tweddle Grant Park, Forres
May 16th Visit: UHI Engineering Department Andy Reed Inverness
May TBA Steam Up Glyn Wells Deskford
May TBA Flying evening Bill Graham Sanquhar, Forres
July 16th Hopeman Gala (Exhibition) Hopeman gala commitee Memorial Hall, Hopeman
August 15th Visit to MORAVIA Tom Ellis Moravia, Kinloss
September 19th Flight Simulator Mike Nott James Milne Institute, Findhorn(TBC)
October 17th Bring and Buy Bill Graham James Milne Institute, Findhorn
November 11/12th EMRC Model Fair EMRC Town Hall, Elgin
November 21st Visit to UHI Engineering department Andy Reed UHI Inverness
Ordinary meetings are held in the James Milne Institute Findhorn starting at 19.30. Other event details will be confirmed before the event.
Other guest speakers and events still to be arranged. All suggestions for additional activities welcomed and these can be arranged to suit members.

Please attend the meetings to ensure the future of your Club.